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Unity (DOTS) – Destroy the Base! Sanctuary: Shattered Sun Early Demo – WIP
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As a lead programmer in Enhearten Media, I work with my team on RTS game, Sanctuary Shattered sun, which is inspired by many past RTS games, like Total Anihilation, Supreme Commander, or Zero-K. Our team of less than 20 heads count, build this game now for two nearly years. We use Unity DOTS as our main core. We focus on performance, multiplier, and modibility.
Unity (DOTS): Genetic Neural Network (NEAT): F1Cars (Open Source)
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I would like to share my recent works with you on my Genetic Neural Network. Deving this and debugging and testing was a bit up and down. But eventually I got it functional. Training done with 320 (adjustable) cars to go full path, took me approx 45 min. I need to say, that setting may not be optimal. But is functional. Plenty to be tweaked.
Unity (DOTS): 2K Procedural Creatures V02
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I would like to share my recent works with you on my Genetic Neural Network. Deving this and debugging and testing was a bit up and down. But eventually I got it functional. Training done with 320 (adjustable) cars to go full path, took me approx 45 min. I need to say, that setting may not be optimal. But is functional. Plenty to be tweaked.
EcoPico HexSphere 163k Tiles
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Unity DOTS procedurally generate hex planet, for my EcoPico project, using ECS, burst, jobs and URP, with Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced
Unity : Power Grid : Genetic Neural Network
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Project goal is to simulate behavior of power grid (very simplified), using Evolving Neural Network approach.
Unity: Pure DOTS (ECS): Octree: Testing 100k blocks
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Unity 2018.3 Pure ECS Octree based on buffer Arrays Testing 100k blocks See my Unity forum thread for details.
Hovercraft Sandbox Prototype in Unity
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Prototype based on initially made in Unity other voxel based prototype (IterOrbis: Space Dominum), using C# and classical Object Oriented Programming. This is important to mentions, since later I decided, that I want to convert whole game design, into ECS (Entity Component System), which is DOD (Data Oriented Design). Later known as Unity DOTS.
Unity3D : 3DoF Gimbal Controller : Neural Network
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Presenting 3 Degrees of Freedom Gimbal Controller, based on thruster controller for spacecraft (i.e. satellite) applications in Unity3D, using Evolving Neural Network - NEAT.
Unity Point Cloud Kuka Robot Laser Cutting
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Unity Point Cloud Kuka Robot Laser Cutting Posted: 2019-07-31 03:55:00 This project aimed, to laser cut 3D scanned components via point cloud. Initially Points Cloud were generated using Ensenso N35 stereoscopic camera. Then mesh were cleaned with set of filters, using Meshalb and CloudCompare. This process were automated.
IterOrbis : Space Dominium
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Now discontinued, website and the project itself was about the space based game InterOrbis, where player can develop own vehicles and structures, with voxel system, fly and fight as desired and to conquer nearby planets. All physics based.
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