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Unity (DOTS) – Destroy the Base! Sanctuary: Shattered Sun Early Demo – WIP
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As a lead programmer in Enhearten Media, I work with my team on RTS game, Sanctuary Shattered sun, which is inspired by many past RTS games, like Total Anihilation, Supreme Commander, or Zero-K. Our team of less than 20 heads count, build this game now for two nearly years. We use Unity DOTS as our main core. We focus on performance, multiplier, and modibility.
Hovercraft Sandbox Prototype in Unity
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Prototype based on initially made in Unity other voxel based prototype (IterOrbis: Space Dominum), using C# and classical Object Oriented Programming. This is important to mentions, since later I decided, that I want to convert whole game design, into ECS (Entity Component System), which is DOD (Data Oriented Design). Later known as Unity DOTS.
IterOrbis : Space Dominium
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Now discontinued, website and the project itself was about the space based game InterOrbis, where player can develop own vehicles and structures, with voxel system, fly and fight as desired and to conquer nearby planets. All physics based.
From The Depths: Design Vehicles
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When just to play From The Depths, with well over 1000 hrs clocked, I have made many interactive designs of vehicles.
From The Depths : Modding
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When I was playing From The Depths, I took opportunity to learn Unity, C# and modding for a game.
From The Depths : Organising Multiplayer Session
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There just to be a time, when I did organise multiple multiplier sessions, to play together, on a mission, or against.
Minecraft : Castles & Towns Building
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There were times in my youth, where I spend time designing castles and towns around them. Minecraft has opened for me path for my creativity in the design and allowed me to see the results.
Trainz Simulator : Modding
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Probably my first ever game mod, of steam powered train OL48-111, around my high school times.
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